Sunday, September 16, 2012

Halloween Movie Marathon 2010

   Okay, in what is sure to be one of the weirdest things I've ever done, I shall proceed to recast    my 2010 Halloween Horror Movie Marathon in the year 2012!!! For one reason or another, I never blogged out my viewing of this wonderful year, so to rectify this travesty, I shall attempt to recapture that bygone era with this entry. Now, we're almost at our new marathon for 2012, so I'm gonna' have to really put the pedal to the metal to get these 27 films documented prior to my new session. I know, you're thinkin' "well that's all good about 2010, but what the f happened to 2011?? Good thing your on top of your game Sparky, last year was nearly a total waste. Personal and professional disturbances on an epic level left me totally drained and unable to watch, much less pontificate about, a ghastly grouping of ghostly, uh, let me see, well shit, I guess there is no "g" word for movies or films. Crap, I hate when that happens. But, Seeker, let's leave all that jazz behind and forge onward into the past and on to the future all in one thrill seeking blog dedicated to my singular love of this wonderful Halloween season!!

Arachnopobia - 1990
Hate spiders? Annoyed by spiders? Think spiders are the worst damn thing that you could ever find in your bed in the middle of the damn night when you're trying to not be afraid of spiders???? Then, true believer, this movie is the film for you. Fun, frightening, fast, and fact based, Arachnophobia plays on one of the most widely shared phobias of our generation: Friggin' spiders are friggin scary! This film truly plays this fear to the hilt as it builds a clearly Speilbergian foundation story of a young, big city doctor, transplanted to a small, rural town in New England, to replace the aging and ailing town doctor. This story line is crisply placed on top of the back story of an expedition to the South American rain forests by a team of  scientists in search of  various cures related to legendary "giant" spider species. Well, one thing leads to another and a giant "bird catcher" spider bites and kills one of the researchers and hitchhikes in his casket back to the States right to the very town where our young, novice, town doctor is setting up shop. Soon townies are dropping like flies and the fun and frights begin. A decent performance by Jeff Daniels as the transplanted doctor who, oh yeah, has a lifelong fear of, you guessed it, spiders. John Goodman turns in a good cameo as an eccentric and dedicated pest control engineer. Once the action gets going it never lets up till the end. This is a really fun and light film to start off your season of scares. Fun: 10; Scares: 8; Effects: 9

Countess Dracula - 1971
Okay, no Academy nods for this tired film. Loosely, and I mean in the extreme of the word, based on the story of Hungarian Countess Elizabeth Bathory who reportedly bathed in the blood of more than 600 girls during her time. Basically this is a Hammer wannabe film: good sets, nice cinematography, and the actors actually don't appear to be phoning it in. But all that can't overcome the shear "not scary at all"-ness of the movie. Light nudity here and there, as was the rage back in the late 60's and early 70's, and starring Ingrid Pitt, a horror film stalwart back in the day, the movie plods along with the story of how the Countess conspires with her evil Sergeant-At-Arms to kidnap and kill the local town virgins in an effort to retain immortal youth. Naturally, her murderous ways are uncovered by her current boy friend and she, like this films, sort of peters out into dust. Not one of my favorites, but not throw up bad either. Fun: 3, Scares: 2, Effects: 3

The Crazies - 2010
At the time, this movie was brand spankin' new, and unfortunately, that's about the best thing I can say about it!! A remake of the George Romero chestnut, the plot centers around a "anytown" USA in rural America that inexplicably is beset by occurrences of random violence by otherwise normal town residents. Basically just another zombie movie with few slight nuances, The Crazies initial opening scene set us up for what appears to be a real thrill ride. Not. It goes like this, during a local Saturday afternoon little league baseball game, a dazed and stumbling town resident appears in the outfield heading towards the mound carrying a shotgun. This is no call to the bull pen, however, the resident is clearly "zomba-fied" (pale, greenish skin, oozing blood and black stuff from all orifices, you know the drill), does not respond when our hero, aptly performed by Timothy Oliphant, confronts him and tries to make him drop his weapon. This conversation escalates until Oliphant (oh, yeah, he's the town Sheriff) has to shoot the dude in the face in front of the all the spectators and participants at the game. Truly and awesome and intense scene, but from then on, the film just becomes a succession of this scene. There's a bunch of blah, blah, and intrigue when the big, bad, Government boys step in to quarantine the town and play fast and lose with the story of a "toxic" occurrence that may have something to do with these episodes of mass murder. But, as a wise man once said, "you've seen it all before". The movie never really picks up any pace, it just meanders to the end. Fun: 4, Scares: 5, Effects: 8

The Collector - 2009
Now this is the kind of new horror film that we fans trod through hours of bullshit movies hoping to find. The rare combination of the introduction of a new "monster" character, a smart, original, and well written story, and a well directed film. The trifecta!! The Collector has an insidiously clever plot device: a reformed house burglar trying to remain on the straight path is forced into one last job to pay off his ex-wife's gambling debts with the mob. Michael Reilly Burke turns in a fabulous performance as our haunted, ex-con who now works as a security alarm installer on a home remodeling assignment. In the initial scenes we are introduced to the family that owns the home, their various story lines, and their interactions and bonding of sorts with our protagonist. The back story is very solid and that's a rare find in itself for most horror films. Now, we get to the chase; our ex-con has reluctantly make the decision to burglarize the family when they are away over the weekend, BUT, unknown to him is the fact that before he gets there to do HIS thing, another more dangerous, more vile, more evil and more vicious perpetrator is in the house doing HIS thing. And HIS thing is gruesome!! Now our hero has to make the moral choice to continue his burglary in an effort to free his family from the clutches of the mob, or save the innocent family members from this crazed serial killer!! Is that awesome, or what? A minor negative to this otherwise fab horror film is it's "torture porn" sequences. I believe the film makers could have pulled off the movie without these, but, they don't detract too much from the shear power of the rest of the movie.Overall it's well worth the viewing, and it'll scare you. Fun: 9, Scares: 9, Effects: 9

Drag Me To Hell - 2009
Oh, that damn Sam Raimi, he's a character! This is nearly classic Raimi in all respects and a welcome return to his roots as a horror film writer and director. Gypsy curses, pesky insects, ugly witches, seances, you name it, this one's got it. Basic story, struggling and ambitious bank clerk, played by Alison Lohman, unwittingly rejects a loan application from an old, gypsy woman who is trying  to avoid being evicted from her home. Lohman, in the process, also deeply offends the cultural sensibilities of the gypsy and "shames her", and this is the turning point of the plot. The gypsy places a curse on Lohman that makes her the target of demonic, dark spirits who, in 3 days time, will "drag her to hell" if she does not make amends. Well, in a real piece of shit luck for our heroine, when she finally tracks down the old woman to apologize and set things right: the old lady is DEAD! Crazy film work, frenetic Raimi scene cuts, great effects, and a strong cast with well written dialogue make this one a winner. Plays slightly more for fun the for fright but it's a great ride. Fun: 9, Scares: 7, Effects: 8

Eden Lake - 2008
Have you seen Straw Dogs? Last House on the Left? Funny Games? The Hills Have Eyes? Okay then, you've got the foundation of this smartly crafted but not so original entry into the "family terrorized by hedonistic, sadistic, hooligans" genre. A husband and wife just want to get away for a little romantic bonding at a remote wooded lake in the countryside. Once there, they are confronted by a group of local punk kids who appear to be just flexing there teenage delinquent muscles. At first they are easily dispersed by the husband who is older, and not afraid of them, and physically built enough to deter the rowdies.........for the moment that is. Quickly things escalate into a cat and mouse game of chase. Eventually the teen terrors capture and torture the couple in an extreme manner. During one of the breaks in the torture, the wife manages to escape and the remainder of the film to it's climax is built around her battle to survive the continued pursuit of the hooligans, avenge her husband, and find any one to help her to safety. Well written and acted, with more than a handful of "edge of your seat" moments, Eden Lake is a respectable thriller that'll keep you interested, even if you are not bowled over by it's originality. Fun: 4, Scares: 7, Effects: 5

The Flesh and the Fiends - 1959
Time for a throwback film, too many current things so far, need to bathe in the innocent era of the 50's! Peter Cushing's great, I don't care what any one says. No matter how good or bad the film, and he's been in both, Cushing NEVER turns in a phoned in performance. Here we've got a semi-historical docu-drama about the story of Burke and Hare, the infamous grave robbers and murderers of 18th century England. Cushing plays Doctor Robert Knox, the surgeon who's quest for medical breakthroughs led him down the dark path of accessory to murder. Good ol' Donald Pleasence plays Hare, and I swear, I can't watch him in any movie without expecting him to break into one of his over acted Michael Myers soliloquies!! Anyway, this is a good small film and truly is horrifying when you reflect on the era and what people would do for money, and what others would do for science. Starting with simple grave robbing to supply Roberts with the bodies he needs for medical experiments, Hare and Burke quickly turn to murder as a more expeditious way to provide the "fresh" cadavers that Roberts pays extra for. Soon, as to be expected, the pair deliver the body of some one that Roberts knows and the moral dilemma soon unravels the unholy alliance between the three. Good stuff, easy to get through, and as I said before, Cushing is a master. Fun: 5, Scares: 4, Effects: 3

Frankenstein Created Woman - 1967
Let's try and remember what I just said about Peter Cushing as we review this next deep, pile of steaming turd. Bless his heart, he gives it everything he's got, but friggin' Olivier couldn't act this movie into relevance. Let's see, it's basically an updated version of the Bride of Frankenstein, made by Hammer Studios in the era of their decline and eventual demise, the late 60's. It incorporates, clumsily, elements of: life after death, the existence of the soul, the tempestuous balance of science and nature, transsexuals, adultery, revenge, and of course, beer. You may be thinking that I'm off my rocker here, and for the most part you'd be right regardless of my review, but I'm tellin' you the truth. It still has the imprint of all that was and is good about Hammer productions: fantastic sets and costumes; well written and delivered dialogue; and the direction of Terrance Fisher, who was the king of Hammer productions. Much like Cushing, he gives the material his all, even when it clearly is rubbish. I don't often do this, but I recommend you not waste your time with this film, perhaps if you can stream it for free, but only if it's free. Fun: 4 (just for Cushing's acting), Scares: 0, Effects: 2

The Legend of the 7 Golden Vampires - 1967
Heysoos Marimba!! To coin Nicholson's Joker, what is there to truly summarize the magnificent malignancy of this stinker!!! Dracula, check. Van Helsing, check. Kung Fu zombies, check. Hey!! What the F???? Kung Fu Zombies?!?! Yes, children, it's true, the once mighty Hammer Films at this point in their history was reduced to recycling footage from obscure Japanese horror films and inter-cutting them with new footage featuring the acting prowess of Peter Cushing. God, was there anything this man wouldn't do (well) for a paycheck? I'm not gonna' waste too much of my prowess for prose on this surreal and terrible movie. If I advised you to see it, it would be merely for the exercise of seeing if you'd be as stunned as I was when I watched it. Truly horrible.  For the record, this film and the former were packaged together as a double feature, so at least there was an economy to the stinkage. Fun: 0, Scares: 0, Effects: 0

Mark of the Vampire - 1932
Bela Lugosi, Lionel Atwill, and some broad I'd never heard of in a film, that for years, really several years, I (as a dumb kid hopelessly addicted to Famous Monsters of Filmland Magazine) had seen the still pictures from and had for that same amount of years assumed it was some Dracula movie that I had missed. Crazy to finally have watched it and understood that it was basically a send up of sorts of the whole Bela/Dracula thing. It turns out that it's a mystery, misdirection, semi-thriller type film about some heirs fighting over an estate with one of the heirs trying to "scare" the other ones away ala "Scooby-Doo". Harmless, unpretentious, and directed with style by Todd Browning it's worth a nostalgic viewing if only, like me, your wondering where all those fantastic still shots came from!! Fun: 7, Scares: 0, Effects: N/A

Let the Right One In - 2008
Let Me In - 2010
Two films for the price of one, hey? What we have here is the original Swedish production, released in 08, and it's American counterpart released in 2010. Both equally impressive on different planes. The original film had, duh, originality going for it. A truly moving and inspired story of a young boy subjected to bullying from his classmates who chances to meet and become involved with a vampire. Now, the hook is that this vampire is forever destined to be 12 years old, the same age as the boy, but is in reality decades older. Truly touching and horrifying at the same moment, this film reaches you on a very visceral level. The girl, at times innocent and coy, and at others animalistically violent and unchained; the boy, troubled and put upon, and yet somehow aware and wise beyond his years. There are several elements to the story that are also intriguing, not the least of which is the young girl vampires middle aged caretaker (he keeps her safe and supplies here with blood so she, herself, does not have to go out and hunt) who is clearly aging and unable to continue with the duties with which he is charged. Later in the film(s) you begin to realize that he, like the new boy, was introduced to our girl vampire at a young age and now has to relinquish his role. All and all, several of these elements are very strong and moving. I recommend both films highly, but the original is clearly superior. Oh, yeah, the final scene in the pool house will blow your mind! Fun: 4, Scares: 9, Effects: 8

The Mummy's Shroud - 1967
This film is part of a double feature Hammer Collection release that I tirelessly searched out on line since they had been discontinued several years back. Eh, perhaps I should use my time more wisely. Now, it's not horrible, just not the Hammer top tier. Made in 1967, The Mummy's Shroud was the last Hammer film to be shot at the Bray Studios and marked the end of that 16 year collaboration. Clearly, parting from Bray Studios hastened the end of Hammer Films. But, on with the movie. Is there any point in going over the overused plot? Archaeologists breach the tomb of sacred and cursed Pharaoh and blah, blah. Good acting here, in spite of the "you've seen this Mummy movie a dozen times or more". Most notably Andre Morell taking over the duties for Peter Cushing and the strained, maniacal over acting by Catherine Lacy as Hayiti,a crystal ball gazing gypsy/witch, clearly lifted from the Maleva character in Universal's original Wolf Man, but on steroids. Really, I cracked up every scene she was in, you have to see it to believe it. Anyway, the movies got the usual line up of characters: intrepid scientists, beautiful daughter, dashing young hero guy, crazy Mummy tomb protector (always full of piss and vinegar and threats using the word "doom" alot) and this bunch is completed by your classic zipper backed stumbling Mummy. Again, not one of Hammer's best outings, but watchable. Fun:7, Scares:3, Effects: 2

Plague of the Zombies - 1966
This second feature of the aforementioned set also stars Andre Morell, turning in a solid performance in a movie that does not demand it. A marginal zombie film, this one used as it's marketing campaign "Drums! Voodoo!! Drums! Death!! Drums! Zombies!!!" flashing across the screen while, you got it, drums play heatedly in the background. The story is about a small town in the English countryside beset by some epidemic that is causing the recently dead to reanimate. Now, unlike the Romero take on this, the movie stays with the more time tested Voodoo curse aspect and of course a cult made up of the town leaders who are hell bent on using the cheap zombie labor to work in the gem mines beneath their respective Estates. Hmmmm, sounds like a political statement, don't it? Pretty good make up on the zombies, the usual staples that we've come to depend on from Hammer, sets, costumes, music, and a tolerable story. Fun: 4, Scares:3, Effects:3

The Orphanage - 2007
It's hard to do a ghost story in the modern era, but Guillermo Del Toro pulls it off with and abundance of style, story, and scares. The story centers around a woman who returns to the orphanage where she spent a good portion of her childhood. Whilst screwing around with things best left unscrewed around with, she let's loose a bunch of evil spirits that proceed to creep her, and us, out for the remainder of the film. Part mystery, part thriller, part horror, the pacing is adequate to the task of moving through all of these parts. A creepy little kid with a sack over his head is the main freak factor and does not disappoint. I've had the luck to stumble upon a few good ghost movies over the recent years, but this one may be the best. The cinematography is awesome, the sets and period piece costumes are artfully done, and the acting is top drawer even though you've never heard of any of the actors. It's a Spanish production so you have to deal with the subtitles, but no worries, there's not that much dialogue anyway. Fun: 5, Scares: 7, Effects: 8

Blood of Dracula - 1957
Not to be confused with the far superior Hammer Film "Taste the Blood of Dracula", this is the Samuel Arkoff low budget dung heap that at least serves to educate you on just how bad production values can be. Let's see, the story is about a girls school, run by a overpowering Headmistress who of course dabbles in the occult. No, I'm serious, but this is no Susperia. Basically she seeks to control the minds and will of her student body for no particular purpose other than to provide the movie with some sort of plausible excuse. Starring no one in particular and directed by the shlock meister Herman Cohen, Blood of Dracula has unintentional, laugh out loud moments. The campy scenes of 50's era teens and their crazy lifestyles is mostly what gives the movie a reason to be watched. Other than that? It sucks. Fun: 6, Scares: 0, Effects: 1

The Satanic Rites of Dracula - 1973
First guy cleaning out old Hammer film room stuff:  "Hey, what do you think we should do with all these out takes and edits from Dracula A.D. 1972?" Next guy helping with the task: "Uh, I dunno, are they any good?" First Guy: "Well, no, actually they're really pieces of shit." Second Guy: "Okay, well, I guess we can give 'em to Hammer and let them make one more tired ass Dracula film."  This is pretty much the vibe I got from this latter day nod to the some of the greatest Dracula films ever made. Cushing and Lee are here, and Cushing does his Cushing thing, but the Lee scenes feel tired and also ran. Literally like many were out takes from the previous cruddy Drac film, A.D. 1972. This was the end for Hammer and it is painfully evident from beginning to end. No longer with Bray Studios, Hammer opts for location sets in and around London and it just doesn't feel "Hammer" like. No stunning sets, no fabulous period dress, and way too much emphasis on "swingin' London", render this Drac outing a mid to low grade attempt. Hell, Lee doesn't even sport the blood shot eye lenses that MADE his Dracula look!!! What's the deal there? Fun: 4, Scares: 2, Effects: 2

Serpent and the Rainbow - 1988
Wes Craven strives for respect in this definite departure from his previous films. Basking in the glory of the huge hit, Nightmare on Elm Street, Craven tries hard here to straddle genres. The story is loosely woven between disparate elements: the political upheaval in Haiti during the Doc Duvalier years, and the ancient practice of voodoo. Basically it's an A list cast for Craven with Bill Pullman in the lead role as a research doctor sent to Haiti to investigate a drug that allegedly brings people back from the dead. While doing so he becomes romantically involved with another local female doctor and slowly drawn in to the sinister underpinnings of the voodoo culture. All this while also pissing off the  Haitian police and the government higher ups. Perhaps all a little too ambitious for the skills that Craven actually has, the movie tends to unravel in reel 3. Up to that point it is pretty deliberate in it's approach with a taught storyline, building tension, and pacing that suits the creepy undertone of the subject matter. Then it seems like Craven just loses control, or can't figure out where to go, or how to wrap all of these elements up. The end scenes don't appear to even have been shot at the same time as the rest of the movie, everything from sets to cinematography seems different. All in all though, a brave attempt by Wes, but most of us are happy with his stock in trade. Stick with the straight on horror. Fun: 4, Scares: 6, Effects: 6

Count Yorga, Vampire - 1970
The 1970's really had it's share of campy, throwback, horror films, but Count Yorga somehow rose above the fray to become a "cult" classic. Believe it or not, I never saw this film until this year (2010), and it's easy for me to say now that I didn't really miss anything. Hell, The Night Stalker movie with Darren McGavin was a better vampire movie than this one, and it was on TV!! Now, it doesn't suck out loud, but it's just so full of that, uh, 70's thing that it's hard to watch now. Hippies, Volkswagen vans, crushed velvet jackets, mod hairdos, etc. etc.,. The whole story is basically Dracula 101, complete with updated castle, 3 ravenous brides, and a crusading doctor, whom no one believes, out to end the evil that is the vampire. Hey!! Don't Bogart that neck, my friend, pass it over to me! Fun: 3, Scares: 3, Effects: 2

The Addams Family - 2010
As many of you already know from previous marathons, I travel to NYC for a weekend each October to visit my son and the two of us watch an eye bleeding amount of films in 3 days. In addition, Cory usually tries to scope out an event or two that we can go to that stays within the theme but buys us blessed relief from sitting in his apartment watching back to back horror. This year we went to the Fontaine Theater on 46th & Broadway for the musical production of the beloved 60's TV series, The Addams Family. I can still remember how friggin' excited I was as a 10 year old when I saw the first ad's for the TV show. Man, it just didn't get any better than that. This musical, as musicals often do, keeps most of the flavor and the feel of the campy series and tries to add to the mythos with some of it's own input. Mainly in an effort to thread the songs in. Story? Who cares, it's all just a set up for the odd sense of humor of the Addam's and their kin. This musical was thoroughly enjoyable. It's still playing there although the cast has changed, however, I don't think that will matter since all are playing well known characters. Fun:9, Scares: N/A, Effects:8

Nightmare on Elm Street - 2010
I hated this movie before it came out. Sorry, don't like to prejudge, but some movies you just don't mess with. Case in point: Rob Zombie's sorry ass retelling of Halloween; Peter Jackson's ridiculous, overblown mess of King Kong; and now, into the needless remake column comes Nightmare on Elm Street. Seeking to "flesh out" the back story, always the bullshit conceit of these remake efforts, we are given new, and apparently, important insight into the character of Freddy Krueger. What these jackinapes don't understand is that it is precisely the aura of mystery of these characters that make them scary!!! To understand why they do what they do is to remove a good deal of the terror of what they do. This movie is a total piece of crap. It adds nothing to the original, and in many ways, drags down the source material. These remakes are simple money machines for studios and the uncreative people who make them to dupe a new generation into thinking they've stumbled onto something new. It's a joke. Watch the original, don't waste your time with this junk. Fun: 2, Scares: 2, Effects: 6

The Human Centipede - 2009
100% medically accurate. That was the tagline for the movie's marketing. I don't know what kind of a mind comes up with a story like this. I also don't know what kind of a person sits behind a desk and green lights a movie like this. And, more disturbing, I don't know why I was compelled to watch a movie like this. This is a " I got to take a shower immediately following" type movie. It's is beyond depraved, however, it is truly original in it's horrific premise. And what premise is that, you're asking? Trust me, you DO NOT WANT the answer. I'm not going to go in to the story, you can find that out on your own, just google the trailer and you'll get an idea of the madness that is this film. Now, having said all that, let's discuss the films merits. The dude who plays one of the best, I mean hands down, flat out, best deranged doctor I have ever seen is named Dieter Laser. Is that a great friggin' name or what? He is perfectly cast, and eerily seems like he's not acting at all, that this is the way he is! Freaky. The film is shot well, does not appear low budget, and the supporting cast, charged with what must be the most ridiculous role in history, put their heart into it and sell it to you. I can't imagine reading the script as an actor and saying "oh yeah, I was born to play the role of a guy/girl, with his mouth sewn to the ass of another guy/girl". Ooops, I accidentally gave away some of the thrilling plot. Watch this at your own peril. And what ever you do, don't order pizza to be delivered in the middle of it like my son and I did. It just takes all the fun out of the pizza. Fun: 0, Scares: 8, Effects: 8

I Sell the Dead - 2010
Certainly the best movie I've seen this session. Original, smart, funny as hell, and with some genuine Raimi like film technique. Set in the 19th century the story is of two grave robbers who are in the employ of a surgeon. Typical set up, yes? Like the previous movie, The Flesh and the Fiends, the premise remains the same. Doctor needs corpses, grave robbers need money, and neither has any moral confliction with the hows and whys of this arrangement. Dominic Monaghan (Lord of the Rings) plays the young apprentice grave robber who grows up learning the "trade" from an older mentor played by Larry Fessenden. Angus Scrimm (the Tall Man from Phantasm) plays our good surgeon and reliable Ron Perlman plays the Irish monk who is sent to interview Monaghan in prison about his other worldly pursuits. Ah, but it's not just another grave robbing story as we learn when during the interview Monaghan confides to Perlman: "if there's one important thing I've learned while in the trade it's that you never, ever, trust a corpse." Truly this is the original part of the film as we learn that the grave robbers encounter all manner of the undead while pursuing their demented vocation. Zombies, witches, vampires, you name it, our intrepid pair run in to them all while trying to make a buck. I can't recommend this film enough, it'll make you laugh your ass off, and it has some genuine scary moments. Fun: 9, Scares: 7, Effects: 8

Frozen - 2010
Okay, this may very well be my 2nd favorite of this year. A small film that turns on a very simple plot device, one that all of us who have ever been on a ski lift have contemplated with anxiety. Three happy go lucky college kids are on a ski weekend before a holiday. Not content with the days skiing fortunes, one of the guys get the lift operator to allow them one more late night ride before the ski resort closes for the rest of the 3 day weekend. Bad move. The three start up and through some smartly conceived miscommunication, the lift is shut off half way up the mountain. This is where the terror begins. It's very primal and we can all relate to. The story proceeds with the three's thought processes and plans for rescue and/ or escape. I'm not going to give away any more, because as you watch it and the way it plays out, it's one of those films that will have you literally yelling at your TV trying to give the "heroes" the benefit of your omnipotence!! Watch it and love it. It'll definitely creep you out. Fun: 8, Scares: 9, Effects: 8

My Soul to Take - 2010
Wes Craven again and here's he's clearly trying to recapture some of the magic of Scream at the same time bringing in bits and pieces of Elm Street, Shocker, and a host of other Craven Classics. For example the main storyline is that in the town of Riverton Massachussetts, a serial killer known as the Riverton Ripper, proclaims the night before his execution that he will return to kill the children of the people who were responsible for his capture. Sound a little too familiar?? Well it ought to. From here Craven leads us back into the "whodunnit" meanderings of the popular Scream quadrilogy. Unfortunately, the audience is now more than wise to that shtick and is constantly trying to second guess every character and every event. It's tiresome for a viewer to be distracted by attempting to "solve" a movie. I like a movie to surprise me, not "plan" to surprise me, if you get the subtle difference. Well shot, it's very crisply directed, and the kids/actors are all competent and charming. Not a waste of time, but not a gem either. Fun: 4, Scares: 6, Effects: 7

Well, kids, as hard as it is for me to believe I actually completed this little time travel adventure, here we are at the end of 2010 and poised for a whole new month of horror in 2012. New marathon starts Oct.1, so stay tuned, and get ready to get your scare on!